Prof. Dr. Steinkraus × Lanserhof
And the sun rises again and again. And with it, the mood rises. I live in Hamburg, a city that is actually known for its many rainy days. But also the city with the most registered convertibles. Because when the sun shines, we celebrate that here too. But from a dermatological point of view, the sun is not entirely harmless. But there are solutions, and my guest today, Prof. Dr. Volker Steinkraus, knows what they are. He is one of the most renowned specialists in dermatology and allergology and today he tells us how we can best protect our skin from the sun.

The Lanserhof health podcast "Forever Young" deals with all topics related to "Living well for longer". The topics are medicine and longevity, sport and exercise, nutrition and supplements, beauty and skincare, mindfulness and psychology. Answers are sought to questions like "What constitutes a healthy life?" or "What can you do to stay fit as long as possible?