icon Skincare | TetCode4® - Prof. Dr. Steinkraus

Individuell kombinierbar.
Für maximale Effizienz.

My Skin and Me

Hier können Sie Ihren Hauttyp zuverlässig selbst ermitteln. Zu jedem Hauttyp (oder auch Hautzustand) finden Sie die charakteristischen Merkmale, die in der dermatologischen Praxis gelten. So können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie Ihre Haut verstehen - und die ideale Kombination an Pflegeprodukten auswählen, perfekt abgestimmt auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse Ihrer Haut. 

Sie haben Fragen? Sind nicht ganz sicher? Dann schreiben Sie uns gern eine E-Mail! Medizinisch fundierten Rat erhalten Sie unter skincare@steinkraus.com.

The skin type is as individual as the fingerprint. Nevertheless, certain characteristics of the skin type can be represented in a simplified way.

Wer richtig pflegt, 
gives you the edge.

The skin is permanently exposed to external stresses – and is the last organ to be supplied with key nutrients and vital moisture by the body. The need is appreciable and the options for supporting our largest (and most beautiful) organ have steadily grown.

Classic cosmetics cleanse, provide care and protect. Modern cosmetics with active agents enhance these basic needs: regenerating, conditioning, smoothing and improving the skin’s structure – with such treatment, the skin is significantly more able to deal with damaging influences and maintain its natural texture and elasticity. This is scientific progress, which you can enjoy as part of your daily skincare routine. Skincare is a marathon rather than a sprint. Damage and stress are stored over an entire lifetime.

You can proactively counter such effects. The choice and timing of the active agents are essential here. The right care gives you the edge. Good skincare immediately creates a good feeling. It occurs when scientific findings are correctly adopted and applied in practice. The condition of the skin visibly improves and is rewarded with a healthy vitality. Your skin understands this too.

Application Concept

Application Concept

The secret of the right ingredient at the right time

Modular aufgebaute und seriell anzuwendende Zusammenstellung von Produkten mit der TetCode4-Formel zur Verbesserung der Hautstruktur. Modular, weil jeder einzelne Step weggelassen werden kann und serial, because the order of the steps cannot be changed.

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