Volker Steinkraus is a Professor of Dermatology who completed his habilitation in 1993 at the dermatological clinic of the UKE in Hamburg. After returning from a research post at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, he was head of Hamburg’s UKE dermatological clinic from 1995 to 1996. In 1997, he founded the Dermatologikum Hamburg, an international centre of excellence for dermatology, dermatological laboratory medicine, plastic surgery, laser medicine, veins, vascular medicine and aesthetics. The Dermatologikum can now be found in several cities. Prof. Dr. Steinkraus is an active dermatologist and dermatological surgeon specialising in patient care and clinical diagnostics. He is particularly committed to training young medical professionals to become dermatology specialists.
We embrace
Für uns
A matter close to our hearts
Moore sind als größter Speicher für terrestrischen Kohlenstoff ein essenzieller Faktor für das weltweite Klima – und sie sind zu 90 % von Degradierung (also Absterben) bedroht. Zwei
Tatsachen, die leider weitgehend unbekannt sind. Darüber hinaus ist eine Moorlandschaft von einzigartig faszinierender Schönheit.
For this reason, we are committed to protecting the raised bogs. Together with you, we donate € 1 to the VNP conservation foundation with every product sold from the Prof. Dr. Steinkraus series, with each euro being used to rewild 1 m2 Moor renaturiert werden kann. Das ehrgeizige Ziel ist, 300 Hektar Moorfläche (3 Mio. m2) im Naturschutzgebiet Lüneburger Heide wieder zum Leben zu erwecken.
Wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen messbaren Beitrag für diesen wunderschönen und wichtigen Naturraum leisten zu können.
Moore sind als größter Speicher für terrestrischen Kohlenstoff ein essenzieller Faktor für das weltweite Klima – und sie sind zu 90 % von Degradierung (also Absterben) bedroht. Zwei Tatsachen, die leider weitgehend unbekannt sind. Darüber hinaus ist eine Moorlandschaft von einzigartig faszinierender Schönheit.
For this reason, we are committed to protecting the raised bogs. Together with you, we donate € 1 to the VNP conservation foundation with every product sold from the Prof. Dr. Steinkraus series, with each euro being used to rewild 1 m2 Moor renaturiert werden kann. Das ehrgeizige Ziel ist, 300 Hektar Moorfläche (3 Mio. m2) back to life in the Lüneburg Heath Nature Reserve.
Wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit Ihnen einen messbaren Beitrag für diesen wunderschönen und wichtigen Naturraum leisten zu können.
Ein verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit der Natur liegt in unserer Natur.
Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das sich ganz der natürlichen Schönheit Ihrer Haut widmet. Unsere Produkte enthalten zahllose natürliche Ingredienzien; viele der Wirkweisen und Wirkstoffe, die unser Konzept einzigartig machen, haben wir uns dem Genius der Natur abgeschaut. Und nicht zuletzt ist der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf die Hautgesundheit groß.
Yet it goes beyond that – because it is part of our identity and our mission. Our sustainability goals are correspondingly ambitious. For instance, we are always on the lookout for innovative technologies, materials and ideas – so that we can manufacture our products even more cleanly, package them even more smartly and conserve resources even more efficiently.
A sustainability project close to our hearts is Pietzmoor by Schneverdingen on the south-western edge of the Lüneburg Heath. Only a few minutes west of the A7 between Hamburg and Hanover, you can immerse yourself in the fascinating world of a raised raised bogs, which we are actively supporting to preserve and regenerate - a biotope that is not only of unique beauty, but is also home to countless plant and animal species and which significantly reduces our CO2-footprint by sequestering carbon.
The path to complete sustainability is made up of many small steps.
We subject all of our processes and product cycles to strict, transparent tests in order to prove that we are able to use eco-friendly production methods. Particularly for us as a small company, every contribution counts and every fresh idea is welcome. When we were presented with the opportunity of using a renewable resource in the form of grass paper for our shipping boxes, we took this step full of enthusiasm and conviction. We use FSC-certified paper for our folding boxes, while the glass, plastic and paper packaging can be disposed of separately. Our tubes are designed to be easily recyclable. We get involved with such matters because we are aware of our responsibility. Above all else, however, we get to grips with them because they are important to us.
Climate neutrality: more than just a buzzword for us.
Furthermore, we collaborate with ClimatePartner, a globally recognised provider of climate protection solutions. It calculates the carbon footprint of our products and offsets it through certified climate protection projects.
Facts, figures,
consequences –
and a way out.