Prof. Dr. Steinkraus x Lanserhof
In the world of cosmetics and care products, there is now almost nothing that doesn't exist. From exotic ingredients like pomegranate or avocado to purely vegan products or classic aloe vera. What do you really need, what is important and which active ingredients make good skin care? TetCode4 is the new skin care line by Prof. Dr. med. Volker Steinkraus. Nils Behrens from the Lanserhof Podcast talked to Prof. Dr. Steinkraus about the special features of his skincare series.

The Lanserhof health podcast "Forever Young" deals with all topics related to "Living well for longer". The topics are medicine and longevity, sport and exercise, nutrition and supplements, beauty and skincare, mindfulness and psychology. Answers are sought to questions like "What constitutes a healthy life?" or "What can you do to stay fit as long as possible?