all-rounder for the skin

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) belongs to the important antioxidants, the so-called "good boys", which keep the aggressive oxygen radicals, the so-called "bad boys", in check or inactivate them.
The Hungarian Szent-Györgyi isolated vitamin C from plant and tissue extracts as early as 1926. In the following years, he examined the newly discovered substance during his activities at the universities of Cambridge, Rochester and Szeged and identified it in 1932 as the anti-scurvy "vitamin C" that had already been postulated in 1912.
Today we know about the paramount importance of this vitamin, which we supply to our body especially by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Since the skin is located on the periphery of our body and is therefore less well connected to the human supply system than other organs, it already suffers from small disturbances in the supply of food, trace elements and vitamins, even if it can conceal nutritive deficits for a very long time.
Especially in recent years, the excellent performance of vitamin C has also been proven by local applications. It improves the structure and function of the skin and evens out small pigmentary shifts by lightening dark spots caused by long-term exposure to light and UV rays. However, vitamin C not only acts as an antioxidant in the skin, but also as a choreographer in the production of collagen. Collagen is the most important structural protein in our skin. Over 90% of the dermis is made up of collagen.
For the production of collagen, whose strands are composed of a triple helix (similar to a braided pigtail), the amino acids glycine and proline in particular are used from the 20 human amino acids (these are the building blocks of our body). However, proline can only be processed if it can be hydroxylated. An enzyme is responsible for this (proline hydroxylase), which only functions or can function in the presence of iron and vitamin C. If vitamin C is missing, no functional collagen can be built.
An abundant supply of vitamin C, from the inside through the diet and from the outside through local supply, is therefore an excellent and supportive measure for building well-functioning collagen structures in the dermis.

Vitamin C has, however, an Achilles heel. It oxidises immediately when exposed to air and thus rendered ineffective. Therefore, it should be freshly prepared immediately before use. This is achieved with the vitamin C product of the TetCode4 series through a manufacturing and process technology that is designed precisely for this weakness of vitamin C. Freeze-dried small vitamin C balls (comparable to cotton wools) are dissolved individually in the hollow hand by adding activator liquid. These beads represent a lyophilisate, i.e. a substance that loves to dissolve in a liquid. The vitamin C freshly prepared in this way is ideally applied in the morning after the shower or directly after facial cleansing and represents an elixir for facial care and the beginning of the day that is difficult to top.